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HOBART Pressure steam cooker

High cooking performance since 1969

Perfect cooking results in seconds, very low energy consumption. How is that possible? With the pressure steam cooker GTP. And nutrients, consistency, colour and taste of the products are also retained during cooking.

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650 portions in 1 hour with (no) pressure

It is a real miracle device in communal catering or at the kitchen pass: the GTP is faster than a combi steamer and is just right in both the à la carte restaurant with 50 seats and in the 600-bed hospital. It delivers the best cooking results and handles the products gently - thanks to the combination of pressure cooking and dry steam.

Product overview


GTP advantages at a glance

  • Quick and even preparation of different quantities thanks to extremely short cooking times
  • Nutrients, consistency, colour and taste of the food are retained
  • Low energy consumption
  • Simple and safe operation

Faster than a combi steamer

Cook your products with half a bar of pressure at around 110°C or with one bar at around 120°C in dry steam. The cooking times are therefore at least four times shorter than with a combi steamer. Five kilos of frozen string beans are ready in two and a half minutes; Two kilos of broccoli are done after 40 seconds - no other device can do this so quickly. All frozen vegetables only need to cook for 30-50 seconds at 1 bar pressure!

Asparagus Spears 16 sec.
Mixed Vegetables 45 sec..
Mussels 60 sec.
Eggs 2:30 min.
Risotto or Soup 4 min.
Chicken Curry and Rice 6 min.

Retaining a maximum of taste and nutrients

The food in the GTP is surrounded by dry steam and is not exposed to leaching in hot water or moist steam. Texture, colour and taste remain completely intact. Saturated steam has major advantages in terms of transferable heat flux density compared to hot air or moist steam. Shorter cooking time means less nutrient loss and healthier food.

Cooking smartly and saving resources

No matter whether fresh, frozen or thawed products – everything has the same cooking time in the GTP. Even different quantities are no problem for the all-rounder. 20 or 60 kg of a product – the food stays in the steamer for the same time.

Due to its high efficiency, the GTP only works for two to three hours a day, instead of eight to ten hours like other comparable devices, resulting in lower power consumption. For example, to cook one kilogram of rice, only 0.34 kW is used. The GTP saves time, electricity and water compared to conventional cooking devices.

What to prepare in the GTP

  • All vegetables
  • Pulses and rice
  • Fish and seafood
  • Meat that would otherwise be cooked
  • Pasta and dumplings
  • Sweet dishes, creams and much more

Preserving food has never been easier

Thanks to GTP, preserving food is easier and faster than ever. At 1 bar pressure, jam, sauces, meat stews and many other foods are done in just 15 minutes! The food can then be kept unrefrigerated for up to three months.

Safe operation

The safe use of the GTP is guaranteed because the door of the pressure steam cooker cannot be opened when the device is under pressure. A unique locking mechanism closes the door from the inside and prevents accidental opening. There’s no scalding from hot steam. An automatic safety valve also prevents overpressure in the device.

HOBART Pressure steam cooker
The GTP - The all-rounder for perfect cooking results

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Further information
For detailed information on the range of HOBART pressure steam cookers, please see our product brochure.
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